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⟴ My gluten-free adventure in Japan I have recently come back from 18 days trip in Japan and wanted to share my gluten-free experience, in order to help coeliac friends worldwide who might want to travel there, but are worried about what to eat in this amazing country. Having coeliac disease seince I was 6, I am quite used to eating gluten free and I am confortable with the idea that I can easily find places to eat where I live. That is why, after the initial excitement following the booking of the flight tickets to Japan, I sudddenly panicked wondering what I could eat in a country in which gluten was very little known (or not known at all in some cases!), facing the difficulties of the language barrier. Some of you might think "oh come on, Japanese cuisine is rice and fish-based, which you can perfectlily eat", which is true but also means that: Coealiac disease is very uncommon in Japan, which makes difficult to explain what is your problem to locals; Japanese people

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